Patient Bill of Rights & Responsibilities

Manny Esh Respiratory Care (MERC) believes that all patients in its care deserve to be informed of their rights and responsibilities while being serviced in the home care setting.  Please know that your rights, as listed herein, are fully documented by MERC policies and procedures.  You may request to see any policy or procedure relevant to this Patient Bill of Rights & Responsibilities

Patient’s Rights

  1. Respect - You have a right to be treated with dignity, courtesy, and respect regardless of race, religion, politics, sex, social status, age or handicap.
  2. Participation in Decisions - You have a right to make informed decisions regarding your care or services including, when possible, participation in decisions in the development and revision of the Plan of Care and formulation of advance directives, in accordance with applicable law.
  3. Understandable Information - You have a right to receive information necessary to make decisions in a language or form that you can understand.
  4. Be Informed - You have a right to be informed about aspects of your condition related to care or service provided and about the nature and purpose of technical procedures to be performed, including benefits and side effects.  You have a right to receive the names and qualifications of staff performing procedures.  You have a right to know what equipment will be used during your care.
  5. Resuscitative Services - You have a right to be informed of MERC's policies regarding the withholding of resuscitative services and the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment.
  6. Payment Responsibilities - You have a right to be informed of your payment responsibilities and of MERC's policy concerning payment for services including, to the extent possible, expected insurance coverage and other methods for payment.
  7. Ownership - You have a right to be informed about the ownership or control of MERC.
  8. Patient Complaint Procedures - You have a right to be informed of MERC's procedures for receiving, reviewing, and resolving patient complaints.
  9. Expressing and Lodging Grievances - You have a right to have the opportunity to express and lodge grievances and to recommend changes in policies and services without coercion, discrimination, reprisal, or unreasonable interruption of services. Complaints may be lodged by sending a letter marked “Confidential” to Candace Stoltzfus, 121 W Lancaster Ave, Shillington PA 19607.
  10. Refusal of Care - You have a right to refuse all or part of your care to the extent permitted by law.  You will, in addition, be informed of the expected consequences of such action.
  11. Experimental Treatment - You have a right not to receive experimental treatment or participate in research or educational training, unless you give documented, voluntary, informed consent.
  12. Referrals - You have a right to know of any financial benefits to MERC when referred to another organization, service, or individual.
  13. Ethical Issues - You have a right to participate in the consideration of ethical issues arising in the course of care or service.
  14. Privacy - You have a right to expect that all information concerning your care or service is kept in total confidence and your privacy is at all times respected.
  15. Property, Privacy and Security - You have a right to expect that MERC staff will at all times respect your property, privacy and security and will discuss your wishes regarding property, privacy or security with you, when appropriate.
  16. Prompt Service - You have a right to be provided equipment and services in a timely manner, to receive a timely response from MERC when assistance is needed, and to have a 24-hour emergency call number available for assistance by qualified personnel.
  17. Guardian/Family - Your guardian or family may exercise your rights on your behalf in the event that you are judged to be incompetent.
  18. Pain Management - You have the right to have the management of your pain respected and supported by your MERC representative.

Patient’s Responsibilities

  1. Availability - You are responsible for notifying MERC when you will not be available for scheduled services/visits.
  2. Equipment or Supplies Needed - You are responsible for notifying MERC if extra equipment and/or supplies will be needed.
  3. Plan of Care - You are responsible for participation as agreed in the Plan of Care.
  4. Change of Address or Insurance - You are responsible for notifying MERC of any change of your address or insurance coverage.
  5. Change in Condition of Physician - You are responsible for notifying MERC of any change in your condition or physician.
  6. Equipment Repair - You are responsible for notifying MERC of medical equipment needing repair.
  7. Service or Equipment No Longer Needed - You are responsible for notifying MERC if service or equipment is no longer needed so that pick-up of equipment can be arranged.
  8. Incidents - You are responsible for notifying MERC of any undue incident involving MERC’s staff or equipment.
  9. Travel - You are responsible for notifying MERC when traveling with rented equipment. MERC will pay for shipment of oxygen equipment if 10 days notice is given.  If another supplier is needed during travel, MERC will pay the supplier up to the value of the insurance reimbursement for each month (primary and coinsurance).
  10. Rental Equipment - You are responsible for proper care and maintenance of rental equipment and returning rental equipment in good working condition.
  11. Payment - You are responsible for payment of any services, equipment or supplies not covered by insurance, including your annual deductible.
  12. Advance Directives - You are responsible for notifying MERC if you have any advance directives (such as, a living will).
  13. Hospitalizations - If your equipment is being rented, you are responsible to inform us if you are admitted to the hospital or nursing home. We need the admission date and date of discharge.